5 reasons to request a 3D appraisal
It allows you to visit the property and move freely inside it as if you were there.
It allows to see in detail the state of conservation and detect humidity, construction defects, etc.
Facilitates the decision to buy / sell the property.
Avoid physical travel, save time and can be shared with third parties.
It is a purchase guarantee for investors abroad.
What our 3D appraisals include?
Official appraisal
Document with the result of the official appraisal that allows knowing the real value of a property.
360º vision
The 360 photos will allow you to see the space in any direction and view every area of the property in detail.
3D volumetry
With the 3D View option of the virtual tour you will be able to see the interior of the property in 3D and from any perspective.
Automatic tour
Press the 'Play' button within the Tour and you will visit the property automatically along the set route.
Insert texts, images, videos and even links to websites within the 360 virtual tour.
Viewing in VR glasses
Our 360 visits can be view from glasses virtual reality to offer a fully immersive experience
Google Street View
Incorporate the virtual tour in Google to directly access and increase your visibility and visits.
Plan view
You can view the property from above to see its distribution and understand the space better.
How is a 3D appraisal done?
Once the 3D appraisal and valuation service has been requested, we meet with you to better understand your needs and advise you. We make an appointment to film the property.
We carry out infrared scanners and 360 HDR photos to capture all the necessary data that allow us to make the official appraisal report, solving all the doubts that it may generate.
We process the data to generate the 3D model and customize the virtual tour with all the information that we agree on. We include labels with informative texts, images and / or videos and we store the tour in the cloud so that it is available from any device.
We draw up the official appraisal document to be able to assess the real value of the property, supporting them on the official data and all the high-quality visual material captured.
You will receive by email a pdf document with the official appraisal and the link to visit your 360 tour, so that you can visit it whenever you want or share it with third parties from any device without using any additional technology.
Advanced imaging technology
To register our 3D Appraisals we use the most advanced technology in image capture.
We work with infrared scanners and 360 images in 4K, which offer a unique and innovative immersive experience and allow our experts to carry out the official valuation and appraisal of the property’s condition.
Our Certificates are valid for all Financial Institutions and Public Agencies.
Our curtomers
Real examples of 3D appraisals
A 3D appraisal is a service that calculates the official appraisal of a home and captures the interior of a property in detail using 3D technology, allowing the status of the property to be recorded to facilitate its valuation and consult the 360º route file at all times .
Now you can get a 360 tour of the property and know every detail, as if you were visiting it in real time, at the same time that you get the official appraisal report of your new home.
¡Por supuesto que sí! Nuestras tasaciones son oficiales, porque Valmesa es una sociedad de tasación homologada por el Banco de España.
¿Y qué es una tasación oficial? Pues es un informe emitido por una sociedad de tasación homologada certificando el valor de mercado de un inmueble que puedes utilizar con plena validez para muchas finalidades.
La tasación de una vivienda con finalidad hipotecaria es obligatoria cuando pides un préstamo al banco para comprarla, tal y como se establece en la Ley 5/2019, de 15 de marzo, reguladora de los contratos de crédito inmobiliario. El valor que se recoge en la tasación es utilizado por el banco a la hora de evaluar el importe del préstamo hipotecario, y esto es algo muy importante cuando vas a pedir ese préstamo para tu nueva casa.
¿Sabes también cuándo es muy útil disponer de una tasación oficial? En los procesos de compra-venta para que el comprador y el vendedor tengan la mejor información a la hora de tomar sus decisiones. Y sucede igual en repartos de herencias, patrimonios, separaciones matrimoniales, operaciones de empresas, y muchos otros casos en los que necesitamos estar muy bien informados para tomar las mejores decisiones.
Para hacer una tasación, un tasador homologado, que es un arquitecto o aparejador debidamente titulado, visitará el inmueble y realizará una inspección técnica, hará un plano de la vivienda, sacará las fotografías oportunas y comprobará el estado y calidad de la misma. Luego, revisará la documentación registral y catastral para ver si coinciden los metros cuadrados con sus mediciones, y hará las comprobaciones urbanísticas necesarias. Todo esto se procesa con nuestras bases de datos y análisis de mercado, y acaba completando en el informe de tasación.
Nothing simpler: contact Valmesa, either through this website, or through our customer service telephone, and we will take care of almost everything. The only thing that you will have to provide us with is a basic and necessary documentation: a simple registration note of the house, or the deed of this, and its cadastral data. With all this, and after the preparation of the best possible budget, and its acceptance, an approved appraiser will arrange a visit to the property to carry out the technical inspection and carry out infrared scanners and 360 HDR photos to capture all the necessary data that also allow us to carry out the official appraisal report, solving all the doubts that it may generate.
To know the appraised value of a home, different parameters are used: age, type of home, square meters, distribution, quality of construction materials, state of conservation and location and services in the area, are what most influence in the final value of the home together with the prices of the sales offers that exist in the area.
No way. The files we generate can be viewed on any device: computer, tablet, mobile phone ... without the need to install any additional application. You will receive a link to view this tour that you can share with whoever you want
Recording with the cameras in HDR and all its preparation involves at least half a day of work. Time that in the case of a large property (office building, hotels ...) can increase up to four days of recording.
The delivery time of the 3D appraisal is calculated in 48 - 72 h. Time in which our technicians carry out the valuation of the property and prepare the files of the 360º tour
This is usually the average time to complete the process of preparing a home appraisal, and that goes from the receipt of all the necessary documentation, to the visit of the appraiser, preparation of the report, and its quality review by a supervisor who will certify the same. The last thing is to sign it electronically and send it to the client or the requesting bank by email.
Urbanización Barrina Norte, 36
03502, Benidorm (Alicante).